Land Sea Sky Travel was founded to offer travel opportunities to all. Founder Vyviane Armstrong has been event planning and arranging sacred site tours since 1999, with a special focus on Goddess and Sacred Site pilgrimages in North America, UK, and Ireland. She worked with the Sisterhood of Avalon for eighteen years, assisting with their event planning. During this time, she also co-founded and led their pilgrimage division, Mythic Seeker.
Her belief is that travel is a holistic event, and a pilgrimage starts the minute the first hotel room is booked or the first guidebook bought. She also believes that some of the best pilgrimages can be in your backyard. For this reason, she enjoys planning small weekend trips for friends and family just as much as she enjoys planning grand European vacations.
She has been offering her unique blend of accessible and honest travel advice to friends, family, and clients for over half her life. Her introduction to traveling started when her parents would drive from Atlanta to Savannah because they craved good seafood, or to Ohio to purchase handcrafted beds. She undertook traveling on her own at age ten, when all she wanted for her birthday was to go somewhere–anywhere–on a plane by herself. Around the same time, she started sneaking in calls to local consultant offices and making her own travel books in three ring binders.
Some of Vyviane’s favorite places to travel and explore are Ireland, Thailand, Wales, and road trips through North America. Her next travel goals are Faroe Islands, the Isle of Man, Uppsala, Sweden, and North Dakota. Her favorite city is Sligo, Ireland, and her hometown is Atlanta, Georgia.
Land Sea Sky Travel is a family owned company. Vyviane is assisted by her husband, Chris Lie-Nielsen, and her son, Taran Lie-Nielsen. Chris is a software developer, working out of Atlanta, Georgia. He enjoys learning new skills, and is an avid reader. His next travel goals include Iceland and Peru. His favorite city is Los Alamos, New Mexico. Taran is a student at a local Montessori school. He enjoys animal studies, video games, Pokémon, and graphic novels. His next travel goals include France, Antarctica, and Australia. His favorite city is Atlanta, Georgia.